Your Guide to Home Energy Efficiency in Edmonton

The Ultimate Guide to Home Energy Efficiency for Fall in Edmonton

As fall settles in Edmonton, it’s the ideal time for homeowners to get their homes ready for colder temperatures and enhance energy efficiency. By implementing simple adjustments now, you can reduce your energy bills while ensuring your home stays cozy. At Habberjam At Home, we prioritize family-like customer service and making your home more comfortable […]

Signs That Your Furnace Is Failing

Furnace Repair in Edmonton

With winter weather settling in, seeing signs that your furnace is failing is scary. Being stranded in the cold while you wait for a technician to come check it out, and then have to fix or replace it is not something you want to be doing in January. Luckily, your furnace gives you some warning […]

Winter Walkway Safety

An Edmonton home with winter walkway safety.

Winter walkway safety is paramount, especially when slipping and falling tend to bring out even greater bodily challenges. Suddenly it is less about stepping off a stair wrong and it is more about painfully face planting onto the concrete as your foot slips on ice.  None of us want to deal with that, especially first […]