


Control humidity levels in your bathroom

How to Prevent Mold in the Bathroom

Sorry to break it to you, but no matter what, your bathroom will always be a haven for mold. Since humidity is the culprit of mold growth, the best prevention is to control humidity levels in your bathroom.

Mold is pretty common, actually! But, for health reasons, it’s extremely important to prevent the breeding of mold by taking the necessary precautions that keep it at bay. 


The Possible Causes of High Humidity

High Humidity comes from taking showers and the reason it stays and does not dissipate can be due to poor ventilation. A lot of people close their doors while taking a shower, and by doing so, are keeping all of the steam inside the bathroom. This trapping of moisture, combined with little to no airflow during the shower, is the cause of most mold issues in the bathroom. Extra water in bath mats are also small mold-breeding areas.

Deteriorating caulk can be another cause for bathroom mold. Cracked grout brings moist air into the back and sides of the bathroom tile. Your mold thrives in dark, moist areas with paint as its food source. 

How To Create a Mold-Resistant Bathroom

Your best bet is to invest in bathroom fans. If this is not a viable option, you will want to start showing with the bathroom door open, or open a window. If it’s too cold to do this, or if you already live in a humid climate, an inexpensive option is to go in for dehumidifiers to prevent mold from forming. Please note that mold only needs about 55% humidity to start growth, so make sure you’re purchasing the correct dehumidifier, or you could still have a situation. 

Get Rid of All Excess Water
To ensure that the water will not have time to evaporate and cause mold, the moment you are finished showering, get rid of as much water as possible. Use a squeegee, or wipe down the tub or sink with a washcloth — don’t forget those corners!

Employ Good Cleaning Procedures
To make sure the excess water isn’t piling up, your tub, sink, and toilet need a thorough cleaning once a week. To prevent mold from getting in those nooks and crannies, you can use a number of cleaners, such as scrub brushes, to aid in the cleaning process. Take down your shower curtains and wash them in the washing machine if they’re fabric. Do you see any black spots? Don’t even bother washing them — just throw them away.

Your bath mats should be absorbent and machine-washable. And don’t forget your towels: wash them in hot water after a few times of use, and make sure they are completely dry before folding and storing. 

Keep Everything Dry
Since almost everything could be a hidden sector for mold-growth, you have to start paying attention to cloth and equipment in the bathroom. Whatever comes in direct contact with shower water — such as the shower curtain — should be washed or changed out fairly frequently. If you have vinyl shower curtains, you will have to keep an eye out for build-up and residue that can lead to mold-forming spores. Once you see any indication of this, toss and replace. As for cloth curtains, try to purchase ones that are cotton, nylon, or hemp-based because they are easily washed in hot water. If you hang them out to dry outside, you’re even further along in your pursuit of preventing mold.

Now that you have a firm grasp on how to prevent mold growth in your bathroom, you’ve got to go now and check every part of your bathroom for signs of mold. If you see any significant mold forming, or have been dealing with some stubborn mold-growth be sure to contact us online or give us a call at 780-447-5367 so we can be sure to properly clean it before it spreads! Learn more about our residential services on our website here.



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